On the Ormiston Pound walk.
Yay, I finally made it to the Northern Territory! And the Central Australian landscapes were sublime. So much colour and beauty, at every scale: from the mountains, through to the patterns of the vegetation, and right down to the individual animals, rocks and plants.
The rock wallabies were particularly delightful, basking in the sun, way up on a rocky hillside.
Our campsite at Redbank Gorge was set in a woodland of mulga trees, Acacia aneura. We walked around Ormiston Pound – one of the best day walks I have ever done – and climbed Mount Sonder, both in the West MacDonnell Ranges.

A nature journal page begun while climbing Mount Sonder, and to be finished I am not sure when!

Nature journaling workshop at Owen Springs, Northern Territory. Photo by Sheridan Martin.
I even had a chance to run a nature journaling workshop at the lovely Owen Springs Reserve, near Alice Springs, thanks to the efforts of my ranger friend Sheridan, and other Northern Territory Parks and Wildlife staff. A really engaged and lively group came together on Sunday the 2nd of July, in a dry sandy riverbed surrounded by river red gums. In the background, the hilltops of the Waterhouse Range were glowing orange against the blue sky. We enjoyed billy tea and home-made muffins, while some terrific nature journal entries were created.

Learning about watercolour pencils. Photo by Sheridan Martin.

It all starts with observing nature. Photo by Sheridan Martin.

No two leaves are the same! Photo by Sheridan Martin.
Yesterday I also had the pleasure of working with Jutta Godwin of the Cubberla-Witton Catchment Group to run a nature journaling workshop in Biami Yumba Reserve in Fig Tree Pocket, Brisbane. I have no photographic evidence to show you yet, but the event was sold out, and it seemed that a fun and inspiring morning was had by all.
Upcoming events
If you’re interested in nature journaling, and are near Brisbane or the Gold Coast, check out these dates (see the Events page for more details):
Toohey Forest Nature Journaling workshop, Sat 29th July 2017. This event is SOLD OUT. Add your name to the waiting list here.
National Tree Day at Paten Park Native Nursery, Sun 30th July, 2017. I’ll have a nature journaling display, and will be selling books, nature journaling kits and greeting cards.
Discovery in the Gardens, Gold Coast Botanic Gardens, Sat 12th Aug, 2017. I’ll be demonstrating the links between science and nature journaling, and will also have books, nature journaling kits and greeting cards for sale.
Nature Journaling workshop, Cubberla Creek Reserve, Sat 9th September, supported by the Cubberla-Witton Catchment Group, Brisbane (see the Events page for more details).
And even if you’re not into nature journaling, I hope you get a chance to immerse yourself in nature soon. You know it’s good for you!
Sounded like a wonderful experience Paula. Keep up the great work!
Hey thanks Sue. We also helped out with some planned burns with the rangers. It was a hoot!
Now that would have been interesting!
Congratulations Paula! I would love to join one of yoir workshops when you’re in SA again ❤ Karen
Thanks Karen! And I’d love to have you in a workshop. You should have seen all those gorgeous wild budgies in Central Australia!
To see them in the outback in noisy flocks makes me happy!♡
Good work Paula! And thanks for the thumbs up on Ormiston, I will be there in a week or two travelling back from Top End/ Kakadu/ Katherine. I was in the Center for 3 weeks (Eastern Macs) but am going back and hope to see some Spring flowering and Westerm Macdonnells.
Thanks Peter! Yes definitely check out that Ormiston Pound walk. So much beauty and wildlife! But I didn’t get a chance to see much of the East Macs. Look forward to exploring Trephina Gorge and Ruby Gorge one day, at my leisure.
Lovely! So beautiful to see your take on the red centre.
Thanks Fiona! It is a very special place.