Back in 2018 I spent some winter weeks exploring the habitat of the Southern Bell Frog in southern NSW. Black box and River Red Gum wetlands. Tangles of lignum swamp, rice paddies and irrigation channels. I tried to see the landscape from a frog’s eye view.

Many months and many hours of drawing later, I’m thrilled to announce the launch of The Southern Bell Frog Story. This colouring book has been commissioned by some of the wise folks who work on threatened species conservation for the New South Wales government, who realize that education and extension work are integral to any wildlife conservation project. Thanks in particular to Helen Waudby and Matt Cameron for understanding the value of art for communicating science and conservation messages.

The Southern Bell Frog Story will be distributed to landholders and other people who live and work in the same wetland ecosystems as this threatened species of frog. I’m not allowed to sell hard copies of this book, as it was created with funds from the NSW government Saving our Species program. But for the same reason The Southern Bell Frog Story free for you to download as an ebook. Woohoo!
Click here to download the book. Have fun!

If you’re looking for a hard-copy colouring book all about Australian wildlife, check out my Bimblebox Wonderland colouring book, which can be purchased through my online store.
LOVE your work. is there a plan to have the Southern Bell Frog book in hard copy as well?
Thank Cindy 🙂 Hard copies exist, but they’re being used as education / extension material for people who live and work in the same habitat as the Southern Bell Frog in southern NSW. I’m not allowed to sell them because the creation of this book was funded by the NSW government. But if you get in touch with the Albury office of the NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment, and ask nicely, you might be able to wangle a copy.
Hello Paula, Would it be ok to print in FrogCall 167 with acknowledgement? See http://www.fats.org.au