Beechmont Nature Journal 22nd September 2019
In this cartoon, spring has come to Beechmont, while Binna Burra has become like Shangri-la: mysterious and inaccessible.
Beechmont Nature Journal 14th September 2019
A cartoon about last weekend’s unprecedented fire at Binna Burra. It’s wobbly because that’s how I feel right now. But all around our house the birds are singing and I heard a koala bellow just before I posted this. So life goes on, and I’m...
Return of the bellbirds?
Bellbirds were once a part of Binna Burra, but not in my memory. It seems that the bird species that gave its name to Bellbird Clearing, Bellbird Lookout and Bellbird Track was long gone before I first visited the park. But that has all changed now, because a pair of...Read moreSea creatures really don’t like the plastic waste that ends up in their home. You can help by saying ‘no’ to bottled water, and drinking tap water from a reusable bottle instead. This cartoon can be shared and reproduced from non-commercial purposes that benefit wildlife. You can also save and print the free colouring page…