In this cartoon, spring has come to Beechmont, while Binna Burra has become like Shangri-la: mysterious and inaccessible.
Beechmont Nature Journal 22nd September 2019
by Paula Peeters | Sep 22, 2019 | Beechmont Nature Journal, Cartoons, Nature journaling | 4 comments

Thank you, Paula. It’s so good to hear you have had some rain and that so many birds are around again. I can imagine how strange it must be for you to be so near to Binna Burra and yet so far … My friend and I were booked into BB for a few nights to do some bush walking the weekend of the fires! So I was very much in touch with what was happening.
Hi Sandra when I created this cartoon it was partly for all of those folks, like you and me, who know and love this landscape. I am sure there are many of us out there! But it’s somehow strengthening to know that life goes on, and the birds and bugs and thriving plantlife (and the weird insistence of fungi pushing up through burnt ground) all remind us of that.
A wonderful bitter sweet story, Thank you Paula.
Thanks Michael! And great to see Jude’s work continues in the bursary fund. Well done 🙂