The lovely Kelly Pfeiffer – whose encouragement was instrumental for the publication of my previous book Take this Book for a Walk in 2020 – recently commissioned me to create a nature journaling resource for Taronga Western Plains Zoo in Dubbo, New South Wales.

I spent a delightful few days at the Zoo in early March this year, cycling around, drawing animals, talking to zookeepers, and coming up with ideas for the ‘resource’. Which of course turned into a book. I seem to always drift back to creating books…

Our aim was to create a series of nature journaling activities that encourage Zoo visitors to slow down, connect more deeply to place, and feel more empathy with the animals (and plants!). Of course, along the way they learn groovy scientific facts too, and hopefully enjoy some drawing and writing.

The final draft of the book has been completed, and visiting school groups will certainly get to use it. We’re still figuring out whether copies will be available for purchase to the public, so stay tuned for more info in the next newsletter or blog!